DO YOU KNOW THIS BOOK ? Humanity has received divine guidance through two channels: the word of Allah and the prophets who were chosen by Him to communicate His will to humanity. These channels have always functioned together, and if one is ignored or neglected, the will of Allah cannot be known with any degree of accuracy. The Hindus neglected their prophets and focused all of their attention on their books, which proved to be only word puzzles that eventually were no longer understood by the people. Similarly, the Christians, disregarding the Bible, attached importance only to the person of Jesus Christ and eventually deified him. This resulted in the loss of the very essence of Tawhid (monotheism) contained in the Bible. As a matter of fact, the main scriptures revealed before the Noble Qur'an i.e. the Old Testament and the New Testament, acquired book form long after the days of the prophets. Moreover, the New Testament was not recorded in the language spoken by Jesus Chris...