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Showing posts from June, 2011

how is the muslim

Who is the Muslim?   The linguistic and legislative meaning of the word "Islam" is our guide to define the meaning of the Muslim, because when we talk about the Muslim, we don't talk about disposition or attribute but we talk about acquired virtue , which is the Islamic virtue, that leads us consequently to talk about Islam. And hence the Islamic character is completely found in Allah's Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), so it is logical to take him as the suggested model of the Muslim character. So, if you know Muhammad (PBUH), you will find out how the real Muslim must be and how he behaves in various situations and this is one of the aims of this book; "to know Muhammad "PBUH" , and so you'll know the real Muslim."   The linguistic meaning of the word "Muslim" is:" the one who is devoted to Allah in his worship. So "Islam" means the complete devotion to Allah and his creed. So, according to the definition of the word (Islam)...

why this book

 Introduction: In the Name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the Most-Gracious and Peace be upon Allah's Messenger Why this Book: Muhammed (PBUH) came more than 1400 years ago and said that he is receiving divine revelation from the Almighty Allah  and that he is assigned to spread this message throughout all earth, unrestricted by time, place, race or color claiming that his message is the last between Heaven and earth and that he is the last of Allah's Messengers and Prophets. Who is he? Is he that terrorist that newspapers are circulating pictures of? Or is he the organized military man who was victorious in almost every battle he joined against his enemies? Some books that dealt with Mohammad (PBUH) had talked about the person who, through the course of 25 years only which is the period of his Da'wa (the call), was able to change the face of the earth and his call spread everywhere, such books dealt with his political and military genius. Other books dealt with the mil...

who is muhammad

 Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib Born 570 C.E. (Christian Era); died 633 C.E.   The following is based on books, manuscripts, texts and actual eyewitness accounts, too numerous to mention herein, preserved in original form throughout the centuries by both Muslims and non-Muslims. Many people today are discussing Prophet Muhammad, may Allah exalt his mention. Who was he exactly? What did he teach? Why was he loved so much by some and hated so much by others? Did he live up to his claims? Was he a holy man? Was he a prophet of God? What is the truth about this man? You be the judge. Here are the facts as narrated by thousands of people, many of whom knew him personally. §         He was born to a noble tribe to the lineage of the leaders of Makkah. §         His name comes from the Arabic root "hamd " and literally means "praised one." People at his time and until this very moment, prai...