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how is the muslim

Who is the Muslim?
The linguistic and legislative meaning of the word "Islam" is our guide to define the meaning of the Muslim, because when we talk about the Muslim, we don't talk about disposition or attribute but we talk about acquired virtue, which is the Islamic virtue, that leads us consequently to talk about Islam.
And hence the Islamic character is completely found in Allah's Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), so it is logical to take him as the suggested model of the Muslim character. So, if you know Muhammad (PBUH), you will find out how the real Muslim must be and how he behaves in various situations and this is one of the aims of this book;
"to know Muhammad "PBUH" , and so you'll know the real Muslim."
The linguistic meaning of the word "Muslim" is:" the one who is devoted to Allah in his worship. So "Islam" means the complete devotion to Allah and his creed.
So, according to the definition of the word (Islam), Islam doesn't refer to:
1-     One specific person, like the way how Buddhism refers to Buddha.
2-     Or a definite nation as how Judaism refers to a specific group of people.
3-     Or to specific regions or countries as Christianity does.
4-     Or to a special period.
This word makes us live in a completely global atmosphere , not restricted to the mission.of prophet Muhammad (PBUH), since , from the previous definition all the prophets are Muslims and this is a fact stated by the Quran more than once; Moses is a Muslim prophet for the Jewish and so on are all other prophets and Apostles.
Do Muslims Now Represent the Thoughts of Muhammad (PBUH)?
To answer this question you should compare between two periods in history; the period when the followers of Muhammad (PBUH) spread all over the world possessing most of it, and there is no question about this fact, and the present period in which the Muslims are a lot yet they are the most humiliated people on earth .But we have to admit that the people of this period are completely away from the morals of Muhammad (PBUH) and his teachings. The Prophet, for example, forbad lying, bribery, adultery and robbery, and ordered applying justice, without oppressing others, being merciful, supporting orphans and being generous.
All you have to do is to skim this brochure carefully and read the sayings of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his deed to be sure that most Muslims today follow Muhammad (PBUH)only nominally.
What is the Concept of the "Prophet" for Muslims ?
The word "prophet" in the Arabic language is an adjective from the word (Alnaba')which means news about something important , or it is derived from the Arabic word (Alnuboa) that means honor and reverence .So Muhammad, for Muslims, is a prophet (Nabi) and messenger(Rasoul) from Allah Who charged him to declare the message of Islam to be the last heavenly messages to the earth .He is the mercy that Allah saved for His worshippers till the end of life. 
Are Muslims Bad People?
Muhammad (PBUH) says: "Smiling to your fellow Muslims is charity", and he told us about a man that will enter paradise because he moved a tree that was blocking a road…Do such behaviors
come from a bad man who wants to harm people?!
Muhammad was the mercy sent for all Muslims and all mankind, as it is stated in the holy Quran "And We have sent you: but as a mercy for all creatures ".
This explanation is enough for now as you yourself will be able to answer this question later by reading the rest of the subjects..
Do Muslims Accept Others (non-Muslims)?
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) concluded some conventions with the Jewish and hold talk with the Christians, this fact is mentioned in the Holy Quran as Allah says: "Invite (all mankind) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islâm) with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better."
So how is it possible to argue others without meeting them and hold discussions with them in a way that is clearly mentioned by Allah: "in a way that is better", i.e.: with no aggression.
 Trade has been held with the Jewish, the evidence for this is that the prophet(PBUH)died while his shield was pledged to a Jewish man , but all this is depending on not being a warrior against Muslims . But, If the non-Muslim fights Muslims or drives them away from their homes or helps in fighting and expelling them from their homes, it is obligatory for Muslims to fight him with all lawful means .The astonishing thing is that fighting for Muslims has an exotic law that prevents them from killing old man , a child or a woman nor to burn a house or cut down any tree, even Muhammad (PBUH)punished some of his companions (Allah bless them) because they didn't apply these rights . Even more than that, Muhammad (PBUH )says: [Who slander (one of the people of the heavenly books)will be revenged on the Day of resurrection with whips from fire ] ????!!!!!
Consequently, If Muslims understand the thought of Muhammad (PBUH), they will deal with the non-Muslims in the same way the prophet (PBUH) did.


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